Phan Thảo Nguyên
Phan Thảo-Nguyên (b.1987, in Hồ Chí Minh City, Vietnam)
Trained as a painter, Thảo-Nguyên is a multimedia artist whose practice encompasses video, painting and installation. Drawing from literature, philosophy and daily life, she observes ambiguous issues in social conventions and history.
She was shortlisted for the 2019 Hugo Boss Asia Art Award and she was granted the Han Nefkens Foundation-LOOP Barcelona Video Art Production Award 2018, in collaboration with Fundació Joan Miró. In addition to her work as a multimedia artist, she is co-founder of the collective Art Labor, which explores cross disciplinary practices and develops art projects that benefit the local community. Thảo-Nguyên Phan is expanding her “theatrical fields”, including what she calls performance gestures and moving images.
Thảo-Nguyên Phan has exhibited internationally, with solo and group shows including Pirelli HangarBicocca, Milan, Italy (2023); Tate St Ives (2022); Kochi-Muziris Biennale, New Museum Triennial, New York, MOMENTA Biennale de l’image, Montréal (2021); WIELS, Brussels, and Chisenhale Gallery, London (2020); Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona, Rockbund Art Museum, Shanghai, Lyon Biennale, and Sharjah Biennial (2019); Dhaka Art Summit, and Para Site, Hong Kong (2018); Factory Contemporary Arts Centre, Ho Chi Minh City, and Nha San Collective, Hanoi (2017); and Bétonsalon (Paris, 2016), among others.